May is here and it is very exciting!.... to make sure you don't miss out on anything 'Mercurial', here is your reminder.
UK based events in May :
Italy based events in May:
Miramare Though the Looking Glass - TRIESTE
DIY Swimming - Aqua in Scatola - TORINO
Workshop - TORINO
Come to be part of an extraordinary live game show! It's a cabaret with a conscience led by two of Europe's leading physical theatre performers.
A 75-minute participatory performance in one riotous act that will test your knowledge in a surreal night of bingo with visual treats and dancing beats!
No two shows are alike as you are invited to spin the tombola and chose randomly a number corresponding to one of our 30 Human Rights, in order to see that rights performed before your very eyes, through different acts/activities/videos and/or games. You are all equal… until one of you wins!
Karavan is an internationally acclaimed award winning performer, dancer and artistic director of the Karavan Ensemble, Mercuriali is an internationally acclaimed theatre-maker and pioneer of ‘Autoteatro'.
Funded by Arts Council England; programmed by Pop-Up Culture Crawley; powered by Levelling-Up, Towns Fund, Crawley Borough Council; supported by Lancaster Arts and BAC.
"Conceptually ingenious, this interactive show is part competition, part comedy and part learning experience in multiple senses…building a sense of community among the participants" ★★★★ - The Reviews Hub
"A wild re-imagining of the familiar game" ★★★★ - The Upcoming
16th May BRIGHTON 6.30PM @Spiegletent
17th May LONDON 7.45PM @Chats Palace
19th May CRAWLEY 5.30PM @Apple Tree
Dall' 11 maggio per tutta l'estate/
From the 11th of May until the end of Summer
Una passeggiata sonora interattiva alla riscoperta del parco ispirata dalla sua storia, dalle parole dei visitatori e di chi si prende cura del parco. Non lasciarti distrarre! Semplicemente lasciati guidare dalle istruzioni e immergiti in questo mondo sonoro indietro nel tempo.
An interactive sound walk through through the amazing Miramare Park, inspired by it's history, words of its visitors and everyone looking after it. Don't let anyone distract you! Simply follow the instructions and immerse yourself in this sound world that goes back and forth in time.
con le voci di/ with the voices of:
Silvia Mercuriali, Andreina Contessa, Giorgia Ottaviani, i giardinieri, i custodi, i visitatori
Musica accidentale registrata il 18/06/23 'Senza L'amor' di Tosti F.P. interpretata da Claudia Mavilia accompagnata da Alberto Olivo
@Parco di Miramare Trieste
a photo exhibition
23 maggio - 21 giugno 2024
DIY SWIMMING HOME is a photographic project born almost by chance during 2020 Lockdown. I invited people to send a picture of themselves as if 'swimming' in their own bath or shower. DIY Swimming Home is a celebration of the power of imagination, which creates a virtual community of swimmers. Even when confined in our own homes water still connects us all.
...through the pipes, under your floor, up and down stairs, around the bends, into Hollywood private pools and then finally Home.
For the first time the pictures will be exhibited all together as part of Acqua in scatola a project by Aquario Libri, I am very happy to be sharing the space with painter Sofia Fresia.
Come to the opening and listen to a short track that accompanies the exhibition
@Acquario Studios, via Ormea 2 Torino, dalle 19.30
25 maggio 2024
Un autoritratto con l’autoteatro
laboratorio di scrittura teatrale autobiografica con Silvia Mercuriali
Un laboratorio per mettere in discussione ciò che è reale e ciò che non lo è, per riscoprire se stessi in chiave poetica: guidati da Silvia Mercuriali, artista teatrale milanese di fama internazionale, pioniera della strategia dell’Autoteatro, l’autobiografia di ciascuno di noi diventa una storia da far vivere in prima persona. Seguendo le istruzioni audio, video e/o testuali, il pubblico sovverte i ruoli che normalmente caratterizzano l’esperienza della fruizione teatrale: rinunciando alla responsabilità delle proprie azioni, lo spettatore si abbandona, la quarta parete scompare, la distinzione tra pubblico e interprete viene completamente cancellata e il mondo dell’immaginazione e l’esperienza reale coesistono nello stesso spazio.
Il workshop si svolge dalle 10 alle 13.30 e dalle 14 alle 15.30, per un massimo di 15 persone, al costo di 60 euro. Early Bird fino al 13 maggio: 50 euro.
Per info e iscrizioni mandare un’email a acquario@acquariolibri.it o WhatsApp a +39 339 5865887
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