24-25th August > STILL NIGHT > @FAA, Bataveille France
8th June > STILL NIGHT > Milano Fringe @ Fondazione Feltrinelli, Milan, Italy
25th May > Autoteatro workshop >Aquario Libri Torino, Italy
23rd May - 23rd June > DIY Swimming AN EXHIBITION > Aquario Libri Torino, Italy
19th May > HUman Right Bingo > Crawley (Venue TBC)
17th May > Human Rights BINGO > Chats Palace, Homerton, London UK
16th May > Human Rights BINGO > @ Brighton Spiegletent
11th May > PREMIERE -Miramare Through the Looking Glass> Miramare MuseoTrieste, Italy
20th April > Red Ladies by Clod Ensamble>@V&A, London
15th March > Human Rights Bingo > @Crawley, UK
9th-15th February > PathTS a residency produced by Idra Teatro> Brescia
7th-8th February> Corso di Alta Formazione @Idra Teatro> Brescia, Italy
28th November > Human Rights Bingo > @Edge Hill Arts Centre, UK
16th November > MACONDO > Lo Sguardo del pubblico Festival, Florence, IT
20th-24th September > labo Maquis > @Fabrique Autonome des Acteurs , Moussy France
30th June & 1st July > Masterclass GO25 Trieste > @Politeama Teatro il Rossetti e
Teatro Stabile Sloveno Trieste, IT
4th March > MACONDO > Norwich Theatre, Norwich, UK
2nd March > MACONDO > The Lowry, Manchester, UK
1st March > MACONDO > Cambridge Junction, Cambridge, UK
17th December > OPENING NIGHT > Palazzo Maffei, Verona, IT
8th-9th September > AudioTourist > Clod Ensemble, London, UK
1st September -15th November > Etiquette > Rotozaza, Lisbon, PT
Every weekend from 28th Sept. - November > WONDERMART > @Compass Festival, Leeds, UK
28th September - 5th October > WONDERMART > @PimOff, Milano
3rd-9th September> SWIMMING HOME @ Festival Mosto
12th August >MACONDO> @Kensington+Chelsea Festival, London, UK BOOK HERE
16th June - 2nd July> Breathe With Me*NEW PRODUCTION @Le Giornate del respiro Festival, Fluminimaggiore , IT
21st May > Autoteatro workshop @ARCA Studios, Torino BOOK HERE
17th-29th MAY > SWIMMING HOME @Torino Fringe Festival, Italy
8th-26th March > SWIMMING HOME@Camden People's Theatre, London UK
23rd-27th February > SWIMMING HOME@Boca de Lupo, Vancouver, CA
11th February > MACONDO @The Unity Theatre, Liverpool UK
29th November-5th December > Wondermart *Italian premiere* @WONDERLAND Festival, Brescia, IT
22nd-23rd November > SILENT DANTE @Teatro Nuovo Verona, Italy
29th October - 7th November > SWIMMING HOME@Brighton Digital Festival, Brighton UK
29th October > HUMAN RIGHTS BINGO@Glassbox Theatre, Gillingham UK
11th-17th October > SWIMMING HOME@Glassbox Theatre, Gillingham UK
20th-25th September > SWIMMING HOME@perAspera Festival, Bologna Italy
16th-18th September > SILENT DANTE @Teatro Nuovo Verona, Italy
20th September -1st October > SWIMMING HOME@Leeds Digital Festival UK
24th July -7th August > SWIMMING HOME@KCAW Festival, London UK
20th-July DIY Swimming Home@KCAW Festival, London UK
2nd-9th July > SWIMMING HOME@SouthWest Fest, London UK
23rd-30th June > SWIMMING HOME ITALIAN PREMIERE@perAspera Festival, Bologna Italy
7th-13th May > SWIMMING HOME @Norwich Theatre, Norwich UK
23rd April- 6th May > SWIMMING HOME@Lancaster Arts, Lancaster UK
26th, 27th, 28th March > SWIMMING HOME@Creative Folkstone- Normal? Festival of the Brain, Folkestone UK
16th-20th March > SWIMMING HOME @Bristol Old Vic, Bristol, UK
21st February- 6th March > SWIMMING HOME @Cambridge Junction, Cambridge UK
5th - 20th February > SWIMMING HOME @The Lowry, Manchester UK
15th December UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE > SWIMMING HOME @Mercurious - NET > National Ear Theatre App
19th-21st November > Human Rights BINGO > with Yael karavan @Voila' festival 2020 on ZOOM
October 5th-31st > SWIMMING HOME > Mercurious - NET > National Ear Theatre App
21st September - 3rd October > The Thirds Day - Autumn - a Punchdrunk production with HBO and SkyTV
20th-22nd May> Etiquette > Rotozaza @We are Human Festival, Verona, Italy
April 29th-30th > Etiquette > Rotozaza @We are Human Festival, Verona, Italy
April 4th > SILENT DANTE @Teatro Nuovo Verona, Italy
March 4th-6th > Etiquette > Rotozaza @We are Human Festival, Verona, Italy
March7th, 12th and 21st > SILENT DANTE @Teatro Nuovo Verona, Italy
February 19th&20th > Etiquette > Rotozaza @We are Human Festival, Verona, Italy
February 6th and 22nd > SILENT DANTE @Teatro Nuovo Verona Italy 7.3/ 12.3/ 21.3/ 2.4
continuing until June > Etiquette > Rotozaza @wowwowwow > Moscow, Russia
January 18th and 23rd > SILENT DANTE @Teatro Nuovo Verona Italy 6.2/ 22.2/ 7.3/ 12.3/ 21.3/ 2.4
December 20th > BAD FRUIT @Chats Palace, London UK
November 14th-16th > PIINetwork and conference (speaker) @Central School of Speech and Drama
December 6th - December 12th > Etiquette > Rotozaza @:Z-Space, Wuhan
November 30th - December 5th > Etiquette > Rotozaza @:Z-Space, Shanghai
October 26th - November 29th > Etiquette > Rotozaza @:Z-Space, Beijing
September 20th > BAD FRUIT @Chats Palace, London UK
September16th-17th > SILENT DANTE @Teatro Nuovo Verona Italy
September 11th-12th > MACONDO @Andria International Festival Castel dei Mondi, Italy
June 22nd - July 6 > Etiquette > Rotozaza @The Point, Eastleigh, UK
June28th-29th > Still Night > Berlin, Nevada @Pergine Festival, Pergine, Italy
June 21st-22nd > Still Night > Berlin, Nevada @In/visible Cities , Artegna, Italy
June 9th > MACONDO @24˚ Festival delle Colline Torinesi > Cubo Teatro, Torino, Italy
10th May > BAD FRUIT @Chats Palace, London UK
April 4th > Content vs. technology — XR’s false polarity? (speaker) > Newspeak House, London
January 5th > TWELFTH NIGHT > Berlin, Nevada @ The Curtain Hotel, London UK
May 16th- June 2020 > Etiquette > Rotozaza @wowwowwow > Moscow, Russia
(Russian language premiere)
March 29 - April 15 > Etiquette > Rotozaza @Sackerson, Salt Lake City, USA
April 8th > And the Birds fell from the Sky > il pixel rosso @ Settle Stories Festival, Settle Yorkshire
October 12th-13th > MACONDO @Theatre Art Verona, Teatro Nuovo, Verona Italy
October 9th > WORKSHOP- Devising site specific work @Sussex University UK
October 1-11 > Etiquette > Rotozaza @Lakeside Theatre, Colchester, UK
September 22 - 30 >Etiquette > Rotozaza > Alexandrinsky Theatre, Saint Petersburg, Russia
21st September > MACONDO @Hush Hush, The Lowry, Manchester UK
May 3rd-13th > MACONDO @Torino Fringe Festival, Italy
December 6th > WORKSHOP @Applied Immagination Festival, Central Saint Martins, London UK
November 21st-25th > Under Glass > Clod Ensemble @Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff UK
October 31st – November 4th > Under Glass > Clod Ensemble @Attenborough Centre, Falmer, Brighton
October 24th-28t > Under Glass > Clod Ensemble @Hackney Showroom for Sadlers Wells, London
October 17th-21st > Under Glass > Clod Ensemble @The Lowry Theatre Manchester
October 5th - 21st > Etiquette > Rotozaza @Festival International de Buenos Aires, Argentina (17 languages)
September 29th > MACONDO @Brighton Digital Festival, The Old Market Theatre, Brighton
September 1st > MACONDO @We are Now Festival, Rich Mix, London
July 25th-26th > MACONDO @Battersea Arts Centre, London
March 6th - 11th> Etiquette > Rotozaza @Punto de Vista Festival, Pamplona, Spain
(Basque language premiere)
February 22nd > MACONDO PREMIERE @New Theatre Royal, Portsmouth
September 24th > MACONDO PREVIEW @Barbican OpenLab Showcase, RichMix London
September 4th-9th > MACONDO SCRATCH @New Theatre Royal, Portsmouth
August 21 - September 6 > Etiquette > Rotozaza @Vicente López en Escena, Buenos Aires, Argentina
July 16 until end of year > Etiquette > Rotozaza @Donna Fugassa, Dalston, London
June 24th-27th > The Great Spavaldos > il pixel rosso @Homecoming Festival, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Stafforshire
May 12th-13th > UNDERWORLD > Vincent Dance Theatre @Corn Exchange, Brighton Festival, Brighton
April 28th-30th > An Anatomy in Four Quarters > Clod Ensemble @53 Week Festival, The Lowry, Manchester
March 18th > UNDERWORLD > Vincent Dance Theatre @Dance Exchange, Birmingham
March 5th-7th > UNDERWORLD >Vincent Dance Theatre @Shoreditch Townhall, London
December 8th > I Hear U C Me > il pixel rosso @earsthetic-Brighton Dome
November 28th-30th > And the Birds fell from the Sky > il pixel rosso @inTacto Festival, Spain
November 18th-22nd > The Great Spavaldos > il pixel rosso @Jackson’s Lane, London, UK
October 19th-24th > MACONDO R&D @New Theatre Royal, Portsmouth
September 27 - October 18 > Etiquette > Rotozaza @Steirischer Herbst, Graz, Austria
September 27 - October 18 > Etiquette > Rotozaza @Steirischer Herbst, Graz, Austria
September 25 > Etiquette > Rotozaza @LYSE NÆTTER (Bright Nights) > Copenhagen, Denmark
September 1 - 30 > Etiquette > Rotozaza @HK Repertory Theatre, Hong Kong, China
(Cantonese language premiere)
September 5th > Red Ladies > Clod Ensemble @Coastal Currents Arts Festival, Hastings & St Leonards
30th August-5th September> Open Lab Residency > MACONDO R&D @Barbican Centre London
August 28 > Etiquette > Rotozaza @LYSE NÆTTER (Bright Nights), Copenhagen, Denmark
August 20 - 23 > Etiquette > Rotozaza @FLYD (Float), Copenhagen and (21st August only) Aarhus, Denmark
31st July-3rd August > And the Birds fell from the Sky > il pixel rosso @M-idzomer Festival, Museum M , Leuven, Belgium
July 31 > Etiquette > Rotozaza @LYSE NÆTTER (Bright Nights), Copenhagen, Denmark
July 25th-26th > Red Ladies > Clod Ensemble @Margate Theatre Royal, Margate, UK
July 19th > Red Ladies > Clod Ensemble @Malvern Theatre, Malvern, UK
July 15th-16th > Red Ladies > Clod Ensemble @Southbank Centre, London, UK
June 26 > Etiquette > Rotozaza > LYSE NÆTTER (Bright Nights), Copenhagen, Denmark
June 15 - 28 > Etiquette > Rotozaza > 6th Beijing NLGX Performing Arts Festival, China
(Mandarin language premiere)
June 6-7th and July 5-6th > Le Grand Voyage > il pixel rosso @Yorkshire Festival 2014, Harrogate Theatre UK
April 18 - May 17 > Etiquette > Rotozaza > @HACK / PLAY festival,De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam, Netherlands
March 26th-16th April > Expectation @Circusfest The Roundhouse, London, UK
March 20th-23rd > Still Night > Berlin, Nevada @Museum of Art of Kochi, JP
February 12-16th > The Great Spavaldos > il pixel rosso @De Warande Turnhout, Belgium
February 11th-23rd > The Great Spavaldos > il pixel rosso @World Theatre festival, Brisbane Powerhouse Australia
February 4th-9th > The Great Spavaldos > il pixel rosso @VIRUSFESTIVAL @De Spill Roeselare Belgium. Dutch language premiere
January 13th-19th > Appunti per un massacro R&D @Soliera Italy
November 28 - 30 > Etiquette > Rotozaza > Festival inTacto, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
November 7th > Rebels and Rubble (permanent installation)> il pixel rosso @BAC, London UK
October 21st-23rd > And the Birds fell from the Sky > il pixel rosso @Frequency13,
Lincoln Digital Cultural Festival, UK
August 25th-September 1st > The Great Spavaldos > il pixel rosso @International Festival Castel dei Mondi, Andria Italy (Italian language premiere)
August 2nd-3rd > Still Night > Berlin, Nevada @BAC , London
July19th-21st> The Great Spavaldos > il pixel rosso @Blysh Festival WMC Cardiff
July 10th-18th > The Great Spavaldos > il pixel rosso @Departure Lounge, Derby Festival
June 21st-30th > And the Birds fell from the Sky > il pixel rosso @Trani Inernational Festival, Italy
June 7th-8th > The Great Spavaldos > il pixel rosso @2’s a company Harrogate Theatre
May 21st-23rd > Still Night > Berlin, Nevada @MAYK Bristol Mayfest
May 20th-26th > The Great Spavaldos > il pixel rosso @MAYK Bristol Mayfest
April 4th-7th > Still Night > Berlin, Nevada @BIOS Athens, Greece
Greek language premiere
February 12th-13th > Still Night > Berlin, Nevada @TPAM, Yokohama JP. Japanese premiere
February 15th-March 15th > Still Night > Berlin, Nevadaa @Museum of Art of Kochi, JP
September 9th-11th > Still Night > Berlin, Nevada @Brisbane Festival, Brisbane, Australia
June 3 – 14 > Etiquette > Rotozaza @Tate Modern, London, UK
December 15 > Etiquette > Rotozaza @Corposamente Festival, Ravenna, Italy
October 13th >Naive Dance Masterclass @Duckie Cabaret, Vauxhall Tavern, London
October 19th > Naive Dance Masterclass @Merge Festival, London
September 21nd-21st > Still Night > Berlin, Nevada @BAC , London. UK premiere
September 12 - 20 > Etiquette > Rotozaza > Plzeň International Theatre Festival, Czech Republic
June 30 - August 12 > Etiquette > Rotozaza > Oxford Playhouse Pop-Up Tent > Various UK locations
April 20 - 29 > Etiquette > Rotozaza > PAZZ Festival, Oldenburg, Germany
April 16 - 22 > Etiquette > Rotozaza > Prague Quadrenial Of Performance, Czech Republic (Czech language premiere)
March 23 - April 1 > Etiquette > Rotozaza > Are We Human, Malacarne, Verona, Italia
August > wondermart > Summerworks Festival, Toronto, Canada
June 1st-2nd > And the Birds fell from the Sky > il pixel rosso > Harrogate Festival, Harrogate, UK
July 6th-8th> wondermart > The Hat Fair,Winchester, UK
June 16th > Naive Dance Masterclass >PerAspera Festival, Bologna Italy. Italian premiere
June 14th-16th> And the Birds fell from the Sky > il pixel rosso > PerAspera Festival, Bologna Italy
May 19th-20th-21st > And the Birds fell from the Sky > il pixel rosso > Norwich and Norfolk Festival, UK
May 6th and 13th> Naive Dance Masterclass > Brighton Fringe Festival, The Old Market Theatre, Brighton , UK
March 30st- April 1st > And the Birds fell from the Sky > il pixel rosso > @Why Rush?, Temple Works Leeds, UK
March 28th-April 29th> The Great Spavaldos > il pixel rosso > CircusFest, Roundhouse. London, UK
March 1st-18th> And the Birds fell from the Sky > il pixel rosso > Melbourne Arts House, Australia
February 20th-24th> And the Birds fell from the Sky > il pixel rosso >Axis Arts Centre, Crewe UK
February 17th-24th > And the Birds fell from the Sky > il pixel rosso > World Theatre Festival, Brisbane Powerhouse, Australia
January 26th-29th > wondermart @TASTE, Centre Pompidou Metz and Thionville, France
January 9th-11th> Still Night (scratch perf) > Berlin, Nevada @BAC, London, UK
October 28th-30th > An Anatomie in Four Quarters Clod Ensemble @Sadler’s Wells Theatre, London
October 21st-29th > wondermart @Frequency, Lincoln Digital Culture festival 2011
October 17th > And the Birds fell from the Sky > il pixel rosso @Experimental Weekend, Stratford Circus, London
October 6th-8th > And the Birds fell from the Sky > il pixel rosso @Merge Festival 2011, London
August 26th-4th September > And the Birds fell from the Sky > il pixel rosso @Festival Castel Dei Mondi, Italy
August 14th-29th > Naive Dance Masterclass @Edinburgh Fringe Festival, C Venue ECA
August 14th-29th > And the Birds fell from the Sky > il pixel rosso @Edinburgh Fringe Festival, C Venue ECA
August 6th-12th > And the Birds fell from the Sky > il pixel rosso @Angel Festival, Portugal.
(Portuguese and Dutch language premiere)
July 22nd-23rd > Dean Gibbons and the Knowledge of Death @Oxford Playhouse, Oxford, UK
July 22nd-31st > Naive Dance Masterclass @in-TRANSIT Festival, London, UK
July 15th-17th > And the Birds fell from the Sky > il pixel rosso @Latitude Festival, UK
July 4th-10th > And the Birds fell from the Sky > il pixel rosso @Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff.
(Welsh language premiere)
June 21st-25th > And the Birds fell from the Sky > il pixel rosso @PerAspera Festival, Bologna, Italy.
(Italian language premiere)
June 2nd-4th > wondermart @ARENA Festival, Erlangen Germany
May 23rd-28th > wondermart @The Brewhouse, Taunton
May 7th-29th (weekends only) > And the Birds fell from the Sky > il pixel rosso > Brighton Fringe Festival
Old Market Theatre, Brighton
May 6th-8th > Naive Dance Masterclass @Nightingale Theatre, Brighton Fringe Festival, Brighton
April 27th > Dean Gibbons and the Knowledge of Death @Riverhead Theatre, Louth
March 29th-April 9th > And the Birds fell from the Sky > il pixel rosso @One-on-One Festival BAC, London
March 24th-25th-26th > wondermart @Mons, Belgium
March 25th > Naive Dance Masterclass @Nightingale Theatre, Brighton
March 3rd-4th > Naive Dance Masterclass > @Sprint Festival, Camden People’s Theatre, London
February 10th > Dean Gibbons and the Knowledge of Death @Square Chapel Arts Centre, Halifax
January 25th > Dean Gibbons and the Knowledge of Death @The Hawth, Crawley
December 2nd > Dean Gibbons and the Knowledge of Death @The Point, Eastleigh
November 24-December 11 > Dean Gibbons and the Knowledge of Death @Camden People’s Theatre, London
October 30 > And the Birds fell from the Sky > il pixel rosso @White Night, Brighton
July 16-30 > wondermart @Welsh Millennium Centre & Galeri Caernarfon, Cardiff. welsh language premiere
May 21-22 > Dean Gibbons and the Knowledge of Death @The Arches, Glasgow
May 14-15 > Dean Gibbons and the Knowledge of Death @Mayfest The Tobacco Factory, Bristol
May 13 – 30 > wondermart @Kampnagel, Hamburg, Germany. German language premiere
May 11 > Dean Gibbons and the Knowledge of Death @The Basement, Brighton
May 9-11 > wondermart @ Caravan Showcase, Brighton Festival
May 7 – 22 > wondermart @Mayfest, Bristol, uk
April 15 > Dean Gibbons and the Knowledge of Death @Colchester Arts Centre, Colchester
April 2-3 and 9-10 > Dean Gibbons and the Knowledge of Death @Shunt Vaults, London
March 25-26 > Dean Gibbons and the Knowledge of Death @Sprint Festival, Camden People’s Theatre,
March – july > wondermart @Melbourne Arts House, Australia
February 6 – 28 > wondermart @Gallery of Contemporary Art, Colorado Springs, USA
February 3 – 14 > wondermart @Mois Multi Festival,Quebec City. French language premiere
February 2 – 13 > wondermart @Brisbane Powerhouse, Australia
October 31 – November 8 > wondermart @Huntly Hairst halloween festival, Scotland
September 25 – 26 > wondermart @Anti Festival, Kuopio, Finland
September 13 – 19 > wondermart @Absolut Festival, Dublin, Ireland
August 17 – 29 > wondermart @Forest fringe, Edinburgh, UK
May 15 – 23 > wondermart Premiere @BAC Burst festival, London,UK
October 11, 12 > Etiquette > Rotozaza @Wrought Festival, Sheffield, UK
May 10, 11, 18 > Etiquette > Rotozaza @Private Utopia exhibition by British Council / PARC - Itami City Museum of Art, Japan
April 30 > Etiquette > Rotozaza @Notte Bianca, Firenze, Italy