And the Birds Fell from the Sky
An immersive video goggle performance for two people, combining cinema and instruction based theatre to cast the audience as main character in a wild journey to the world of the Faruk Clown.
The participants follow instructions that match the camera movements to become part of the action itself, allowing them to experience the piece both as audience member and performer. With their eyes and ears completely hijacked, and liberated from any responsibility for the outcome of their actions in the film, participants find themselves fully surrounded by a wild and anarchic fictional world on a dreamy and dangerous joyride inside their own head.
As the narrative unravels, this new reality becomes even more immersive through live interactions that engaging their sense of smell, touch and movement through space.
The show exists in English, Italian, Dutch, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish but it can be translated into any language.
“Probably one of the most intense 15 minutes you can have at the Fringe”
The Scotsman ****
“An otherworldly oddity…this unusual and profoundly personal roller-coaster is highly recommended” ****
The Age****
“a potent collaboration between a theatre and a film director, My response to the autoteatro style instructions was as immediate and unquestioning as that of a sleep walker”
The Guardian
Written and directed by Silvia Mercuriali and Simon Wilkinson
shot by Joe Murray
an il pixel rosso production
Commissioned by Brighton & Hove White Night
Funded by The Arts Council of England

For booking please e-mail info@silviamercuriali.com